Member joining
Returns all account lock information for a member
Updates account lock information for a member
Updates the account password for a member
Validates new member info.
Returns basic details of all activities, and can be filtered by multiple sites
Update an activity
List activities by tag
Updates the image reference for the given activity id
Get an activity details by id
Returns all activity groups
Creates an activity group
Returns a specific activity group based on the id
Updates an activity group
Deletes an activity group
Validates the postcode and returns all the addresses related to the postcode
Returns information required to show a direct debit advance notice after adding new memberships to a member.
Returns all amenities
Gets sessions based on the activity and site ids
GET sessions based on the activity and site ids
Validates an account number and sort code
Returns all bank details
Creates a bank detail
Returns a specific bank detail based on the sortcode
Updates a bank detail
Deletes a bank detail
Returns bank details of the given member.
Creates or updates bank details of the given member.
Deletes (deactivate) bank details of the given member.
Create a booking lease for the given uuid (any uuid will do)
Deletes a lease for a booking
Create a new booking
Creates a member and the booking for that member
Returns a list of business rules with trigger details
Creates a new business rule with details
Returns the details for the given business rule
Updates the details for the given business rule
Deletes a business rule
Form post target designed to receive 3d secure challenge postbacks in an iframe. the page returned contains javascript that will immediately send a 'message' event to the iframe's parent window with an object containing the body of the request to this endpoint. that request body can then be added to another request to the post payment endpoint to complete the payment. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-us/docs/web/api/window/postmessage example message event: { "threedsecurechallengeresponse": "request body to this endpoint" }
Returns all addresses for a member
Updates an address record for a member
Returns all contact information for a member
Updates contact information for a member
Returns all emergency contact details for a member
Create an emergency contact for a member
Updates an emergency contact record
Delete an emergency contact record
Returns online consent, privacy policy, signed date of terms and conditions and health commitment along with gdpr consent preferences for a member
Updates online consent and privacy policy details. you cannot update a members campaign consent, these can only be added or removed. date and times should be utc
Give consent to a member to receive information about marketing or data processing campaigns
Give consent to a member to receive information by various types of communication methods
Returns all configured communication channels
Create a new communication channel that members can consent in
Delete a configured communication channel
Returns all correspondence for a member id
Updates an existing correspondence
Returns all cost centres
Create a new cost centre
Returns a specific cost centre based on the id
Update an existing cost centre by id
Returns all collection interfaces
Returns whether a member can proceed or not, and why
Gets all checkpoints and basic details. optional comma-separated list of site ids return checkpoints either for that site or that belong to no site
Returns all configured data processing campaigns, can filter by active
Create a new data processing campaign that members can consent in
Update a data processing campaign to be active or inactive
Delete a data processing campaign
Returns a specific department based on the id
Update a department
Delete a departmennt
Returns all departments
Create a new department
Returns all discounts
Gets all documents associated with a given member.
Uploads a document that will be associated with a given member. a form data request is expected with a 'file' parameter (with the value of the file being uploaded) and a 'json' parameter (with the value of the json request)
Gets a link to a specific document based on a given member and document id.
Uploads a templated document that will be associated with a given member. the request contains the template type as well as placeholders required to populate the template.
Uploads a templated confirmed direct debit document that will be associated with a given member.
Generates unconfirmed document of type direct debit mandate for the given member.
Returns all document types
Creates a document type
Returns a specific document type based on the id
Updates a document type
Deletes a document type
Returns all eft systems
Validates an email address
Returns all facilities
Returns all favourites for a member
Creates a favourite for a member currently limited to only adding a favourite site or activity
Returns a specific favourite for a member
Deletes a favourite for a member
Returns all favourite types
Get the form type information along with the form profile linked to it.
Gets all form profiles. if a form type id filter is provided then only form profiles associated with the form type will be returned.
Creates a form profile for the given form type identifier.
Gets a form profile by id. optionally pass in an array of membership type ids which will filter user fields that are assigned.
Updates a form profile
Deletes a form profile
Returns all genders
Returns a specific gender based on the id
Returns all identifiers for a member and their type such as card, smartband, keyfob etc
Create primary and additional identifiers for a member
Deletes an identifier associated with a member whether it is a primary or an additional identifier type
Delete an additional method of identification for a member
Uploads an image to public storage blob. not member dependent or anything
Returns sales invoices for the given ids
Process paid sales invoices.
Accept a link request from a primary member and gain access to all memberships that are of type 'apply to links'
Returns the details of linked members for a specific member id
Updates links for a specific member
Updates links for a specific member
Deletes the links from this member, if a primary member link is orphaned they will be set to a non primary
Creates a request link to another member.
Retrieves all pending link-requests sent/received by the member
Gets a list of lost cards
Creates a lost card
Gets a lost card by id
Updates a lost card
Deletes a lost card
Returns all configured marketing campaigns, can filter by active
Create a new marketing campaign that members can consent in
Update a marketing campaign to be active or inactive
Delete a marketing campaign
Returns all medical condition types
Creates a medical condition type
Returns a specific medical condition type based on the id
Updates a medical condition type
Deletes a medical condition type
Returns all medical information for a member
Create a medical detail record for a member
Updates a medical detail record
Delete a medical detail record
Returns all membership type groups
Creates a membership type group
Returns a membership type group by id
Updates a membership type group <param name="id" example="member">the id of the membership type group to update.</param><param name="request">the request for updating a membership type group.</param>
Deletes a membership type group
Returns a membership type based on the id.
Updates the tags that are assigned to a membership type based on the id.
Updates the imageref for the given membership type id.
Returns basic details of all membership types.
Retrieve the best suited price level
Updates the document types that are assigned to a membership type based on the id.
Updates the capacity and price level restrictions for a membership type.
List all of a members next payments
Gets a members past-bookings, this is similar to get booking-history but returns a smaller response. endpoint will return any bookings within date range supplied. if no date range is supplied than all past bookings are returned. if only a datetimefrom is supplied then all past bookings from that date time will be returned. if only a datetimeto is supplied then all past bookings before that date time will be returned.
Gets a members past-bookings, this is similar to get booking-history but returns a smaller response. endpoint will return any bookings within date range supplied. the results are paginated and meta data with navigation urls are provided. if no date range is supplied then all past bookings are returned. if only a datetimefrom is supplied then all past bookings from that date time will be returned. if only a datetimeto is supplied then all past bookings before that date time will be returned. if no limit is supplied then this will default to 10 records. if no offset is supplied then this will default to 0 (the first page). start and end urls in meta data provide navigation for pagination. in swagger, it just provides query params to be added to url.
Deletes memberships allocated to a given member.
List memberships and next payment information
Removes access for a secondary member to all the shared memberships between this member and the primary member
Adds access for a secondary member to all the shared memberships belonging to the primary member.
Creates new members, linked members and allocate memberships to given members generating sales invoices for each allocated membership.
Returns event logs for a member
Creates a membership based on a given pricing quote.
Returns pricing information for the requested memberships
Returns the headline price and start up fee for the requested memberships
Returns membership types matching the given tags, grouped into tags of the chosen tag group.
Returns all organisations
Creates an organisation
Returns an organisation based on the id
Updates an organisation
Deletes an organisation
Returns all participation for specified sites on a date which can be of type swipe / product sale / booking. token is taken from the response of the initial call and returns the next batch of data
Pays for sales invoices using a specified payment provider and can handle payments with and without 3d secure challenge version 2.
Returns all payment methods
Creates a payment method in the database
Gets a payment method with the given id
Updates a payment method with the given id
Deletes a payment method with the given id
Returns all payment providers
Returns a specific payment provider based on the id
Returns specific personalisation for a member
Creates a personalisation for a member
Updates a personalisation for a member
Validates a phone number
Updates the members picture
Gets the basic base 64 image string for a member
Returns all price levels, can be filtered by whether they are member or non-member allowed
Creates a price level
Returns a specific price level based on the id
Updates a price level
Deletes a price level
Returns all basic profile details for a member
Updates basic profile details for a member
Deletes a member and all related records
Create a member with a basic profile
Confirms a previously unconfirmed member creation, triggering further business rules that were skipped at creation.
Get progress of members profile
Update a members profile progress
Returns a promo code and their discounts
Returns all promo codes
Creates a promo code mapped to discounts
Updates a promo code mapped to discounts
Retrieve a default template
Update a push token
Retrieve a push token
Deletes a push token
Returns all resource products
Creates a resource product
Returns a resource product based on the id
Updates a resource product
Deletes a resource product
Returns information required to show a rcp payment schedule for a member by id.
Returns unpaid sales for the given member id for the optional payment method id and optional account type
This returns paid invoices for the given member id for the given comma-seperated sales invoice ids
Returns all pricing information for the requested session
Returns pricing information for the requested session broken down by product
Member search by name or id
Activity search which searches for all activities by their description or id. the site can be included as a parameter to refine results.
Returns all future scheduled actions for the specified member
Updates scheduled actions for the specified member
Deletes the specified scheduled action
Create a communication job
List of communication jobs
Update a communication job
Returns all sites
Creates a site
Returns a site based on the id
Updates a site
Deletes a site
Returns defaults for a site
Sets defaults for a site
Returns all site groups
Creates a site group
Returns a site group based on the id
Updates a site group
Deletes a site group
Returns all next ids for a specific site
Updates all next ids for a specific site
Returns all site bank accounts for a site
Returns site bank accounts for a site by eft system id
Creates/updates a site bank account
Deletes a site bank accounts for a site by eft system id
Returns all statuses
Creates a status
Returns a status based on the id
Updates a status
Deletes a status
Return system event logs
Returns all tag groups, optionally filtered by tag group type
Returns a tag group based on the id or key, optionally filtered by previously-selected tags associated to membership type
Updates a tag group
Returns the configuration value for the specified configkey and siteid
Update the system configuration for a specific configuration key
Returns all system configuration for the given group ids
Returns all the configuration groups for system configuration
List all allowed languages
Updates system configuration for a specified group id
Returns all tax codes
Creates a tax code
Returns a specific tax code based on the id
Updates a tax code
Deletes a tax code
Returns all titles
Creates a title
Returns a title based on the id
Updates a title
Deletes a title
Returns all pricing timebands
Creates a timeband
Returns a specific pricing timeband based on the id
Updates a timeband
Deletes a timeband
Adds, updates and removes translations in bulk
Returns a file containing all the rows and any translations in the request
Takes in a file containing rows of translated data and upserts the translations accordingly
Gets a list of users
Creates a user
Gets a user by username
Updates a user allowing everything but the password to be modified
Deletes a user
Updates a user's preferences which allows preferred site and avatar to be modified
Updates a user's password
Sets the users reset password flag
Returns all user field data for a member.
Updates the user fields of the given member.
Returns all user fields in the system, or selected user fields.
Creates a user field.
Updates a user field.
Returns all vehicles associated with a member
Create a vehicle registration record for a member
Returns all members who are associated with a specific vehicle registration
Update a vehicle registration record
Delete a vehicle registration record
Gets the default recurring card payment card for a member
Sets the default recurring card payment card for a member
Returns a member wallet
Deletes a card from member's wallet
Add a card to member's wallet
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