API Reference
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Base URL
The Query type in GraphQL represents the entry point for retrieving data from the API. It defines the available read-only operations (queries) that clients can execute to fetch data.
The Mutation type in GraphQL is used for modifying or creating data. It defines the operations (mutations) that allow clients to make changes to the data stored on the server, such as creating, updating, or deleting resources
The Subscription type in GraphQL enables real-time communication between clients and the server. It defines a set of events or data streams that clients can subscribe to and receive updates whenever the subscribed events occur.
Objects in GraphQL represent complex data structures. They define the fields and their types that can be queried in a GraphQL API. Objects can have nested fields and relationships with other objects.
Scalars: Scalars in GraphQL represent primitive data types, such as String, Int, Boolean, Float, etc. They are used to define the types of individual fields in the GraphQL schema.
Directives in GraphQL provide a way to control the execution behavior of queries and mutations. They allow you to modify the result, change the execution order, skip or include fields conditionally, and apply custom logic to the resolution process.
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Enums in GraphQL define a set of possible values for a field. They represent a discrete set of options or states that a field can have. Enums help ensure type safety and provide a clear list of valid values for a field.
Unions in GraphQL allow you to combine multiple object types into a single type. They represent a result that can be one of several object types. Unions are useful when a field can return different types of objects, and you want to specify all the possible types in the schema.